Online Application for "No Knock" Registry

The "No Knock" Registry will be maintained by the Wyckoff Police Department.  Canvassers, peddlers, and solicitors must inspect the list and cannot approach any residence on the list.  The registry will be provided to any licensee who is issued a license to conduct door-to-door sales pursuant to Wyckoff Code 148-11.

It should be noted that registration upon the "No Knock" Registry does not prohibit door-to-door solicitation by non-profit, charitable, religious or political organizations, as these types of solitations are protected by the First Amendment of the United States Contitution.

The registered address shall be placed upon a list to be kept by the Wyckoff Police Dpeartment.  Addresses will remain on the Registry until notification to the Township that the owner or occupant wishes to be removed.

Complete the following to apply for the "No Knock" Registry:
Information to be included on the "No Knock" Registry:
Information for Wyckoff Police Department office files only:
Resident Contact Details:
Owner Contact Details (if different than resident):
I am requesting registration of the provided address in the Township of Wyckoff for the "No Knock" Registry.